Professional Tax Software for High-Volume Tax Businesses
Complete tax returns faster with the best software in the industry.
Provide your taxpayers with an unparalleled customer experience.
Comprehensive diagnostics that check for tax return errors.
Create Tax Returns That Are Fast. Accurate.
The most efficient professional tax software solution for high-volume tax businesses that specialize in offering quick & accurate tax refunds and bank products.
- Work-in-Progress Screen for instant status of tax returns, IRS acknowledgements, rejects and bank product check prints
- Point-and-Shoot Error Correction™ takes you directly to errors for quick fixes
- Multiple input modes including interview-based and forms-based
- Multiple drains to the IRS each day
- Real-time processing with Industry-Leading Banks
Built to speed up processing of your clients’ tax returns and bank product refunds.
Simple enough for brand-new preparers, yet powerful enough for the most complex service bureau environments .
Try the best tax software in the industry today!
Accurate, error-free tax returns will keep your customers coming back year after year.
Industry-Leading Tools and Features
Remote Signature
Now your clients can sign their documents anywhere and anytime via an electronic signature.
• With their home computer
• With their smartphone
• With a tablet or other mobile devices
Management Dashboard
A single management interface for tax preparation office reporting that puts user and group summaries, financial totals, IRS acknowledgments, daily activity, bank product information, and more at your fingertips so that you can manage your multi-office tax preparation business the way you want.
TextLink Plus
A simple, integrated way to send and receive unlimited text messages with your clients directly through the CrossLink professional tax preparation software interface. With TextLink Plus, exclusively from CrossLink, you can communicate with one or many taxpayer clients with a single click and messages are stored with the tax return.
Scan & Store
Get complete control over and visibility into, of each sub-site within your organization.
Quickly give clients an estimate of the amount of their refund, without having to prepare an entire return.
Keep your business secure with the ability to customize access for individual employees.
Get instant updates on the latest status of returns and checks.
Get the information your business needs quickly and easily.
Enter the taxpayer's information easily on the forms screens.